The Hoso Show 2.0.5

Here are the timestamps and topics from the audio source:

Introduction and disclaimer (0:00)

Show open and song lyrics (1:19)

Dealing with trauma and mental health (3:22)

Show welcome and greetings (5:41)

Discussion about Facebook and Social Media (6:25)

Impact of negativity and violence on social media (9:33)

Discussion about a violent video (15:31)

The importance of love and compassion in difficult times (19:09)

The need for human connection and community (22:37)

Shifting focus towards creating positive change (26:50)

Discussion about conspiracy theories, Pizzagate, and legacy media (28:40)

The importance of presence and avoiding distractions (33:20)

The influence of technology and screens on children (36:10)

Responding to tragedy with love (39:29)

Discussion about the concept of good and evil (42:15)

Ram Dass's approach to loving awareness (45:58)

Blue Dude advertisement (50:20)

Discussion about deities and the psychedelic space (54:17)

Serving others and the interconnectedness of all things (57:10)

Exploring different religions and spiritual perspectives (59:48)

Holding space for others in times of grief (61:21)

The importance of intentional presence (63:44)

The opposite of love is indifference (65:23)

Discussion about the battle between good and evil (66:52)

Manifesting desired realities (68:20)

Favorite apocalypse characters (71:12)

Discussion about the 1904 World’s Fair and potential conspiracy theories (78:25)

Mud flood theory (79:38)

Tartarian civilization and advanced technology (81:17)

Construction of the World's Fair buildings and the potential for hidden history (88:23)

The Illuminati and their potential role in shaping history (101:12)

Tesla's wireless energy technology and the potential for its suppression (101:42)

Rewriting history and controlling information (103:22)

The last World’s Fair and the potential for a shift in society (104:27)

The power dynamics behind the World’s Fairs (106:12)

Discussion about Facebook as the island of the Lotus Eaters and the benefits of Twitch (112:05)

Screen time and social media addiction (118:41)

Incentivizing people to use platforms other than Facebook (121:47)

Reading tarot cards for Kush Coach and Charity Trotder (128:38)

Discussion about the book The Method Learned by Gregory James Weerick and the power of poetry (144:00)

Closing remarks and playing a song by Taylor Swift (151:20)

The discussion of the 1904 World’s Fair and potential conspiracy theories begins around (78:25). This is a significant portion of the audio, and it leads to many thought-provoking ideas and questions.

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